Thursday, January 27, 2011

Craft Time Gone Wrong

Dillon made the cutest pipecleaner carrots in his playschool the other day while learning about healthy food choices. He was so proud of his carrot...for about 10 minutes.
While I was busy teaching Leah a math lesson he was destroying his new creation downstairs in the basement. All of a sudden I heard frantic footsteps and a little cry and I knew there was trouble. Dillon proceeded to tell me that he had taken one of the googly eyes and shoved it in his ear. Why he did that, I'll never know. I guess boys will be boys. I looked in his ear and could barely see the edge of it. My first inclination was to get my tweezers and try to pull it out but on reinspection I knew it was too deep and I would do more damage than good. So I did the next best thing, I called Patrick.
He told me to bring him in to the office and he will take a look.  I drove him out to Spruce Grove and Patrick put him under the lit microscrope and used his special tweezers and pulled the googly eye right out.
I was sure grateful that I had an engineer in the family with all kinds of tools to save me from the torture of a 4 hour stay in the emergency room. Way to go Patrick!
As for Dillon, no more googly eyes for him! 


  1. That is such a funny story! Poor Dillon! One time at a library play group Jesse put a bead up his nose and it got stuck. We didn't have Patrick around, so I ended up taking him to the hospital to get it out.

  2. This is why I don't do crafts...I never know where things will get stuck!

  3. So good to have quiet, ingenious, husbands!!!! whew that stuff is scarey

  4. Oh dear...I hope that isn't what I have to look forward to with my boy!

    Glad you found my homeschool me and we'll talk homeschool! My address is shaunasalmon at gmail dot com.

    Talk to you soon!
